Jobiqo has been granted around $300,000 USD in research funding

Klaus Furtmüller, Matthias Hutterer und Martin Lenz, Jobiqo
Jobiqo has been granted around $300,000 USD in research funding

Jobiqo was granted research funding by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) for the ongoing development of their innovative job board software based on artificial intelligence (A.I.) and machine learning. The aim of the research project is to include a wide variety of communication channels for the “job-matching of the future”.

With the increasing amount of data job recommendations are becoming more personalized. This allows Jobiqo to further improve its innovative matching technology for the recruitment industry. With its flexible system Jobiqo supports publishers, recruiters and career portals worldwide to increase revenues by improving user experience and the performance of job recommendations.

The research will help to increase the relevance of targeted job ads and increase the likeliness of conversion. “In addition, we will be able to target passive job seekers “, explains JOBIQO Managing Director Martin Lenz: “This is one of the biggest challenges in recruitment advertising.” The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) is contributing around $300,000 to the realization of the applied research project.

Increase relevance, improve targeting

Head of innovation Matthias Hutterer is keen to achieve significant results in following areas:

1. Context Data

Select the most relevant data for the matching engine. The software will improve the automated processing of relevant user data from different channels like browsers, mobile phones or IoT devices (like Amazon Alexa).

2. Intelligent Matching

Identifies users who are not (yet) actively looking for a job but would be open to an attractive job offer. At the same time, employers can increase retention rates by identifying employees who are willing to move on and proactively offer the right incentives to keep great talent.

3. Service Composition

The combination of large amount of external services and data sources will challenge the availability and performance. Improved service composition will be key to a great user experience. Further – in Europe, requirements of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will also be considered from the very beginning (privacy by design).

“With this research project, we are optimizing the selection and processing of relevant data – faster and more reliable than ever before to create a unique job board and matching experience”, says Lenz. “We will improve the targeting of passive seekers to help career platforms, publishers and recruiters to create unique services and to engage new professional audiences.”

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