Connect Talent. Offer Exclusive Services.

Create bias-free and inclusive career platforms exclusively for your students and alumni with the leading job board software for universities & academic

Our amazing clients and partners

While searching for a niche job board software with cutting edge technology and a high level of usability, we finally found Jobiqo. The solution convinced us from the very beginning. The success of BME-JobSource as niche job board for procurement, supply chains and logistics shows that our clients also share this feedback.
Jutta Ohrnberger, BME-JobSource
With Jobiqo, we can rely on two important things: first, that the technology of our job platform remains up to date; and second, that our focus on accessibility ensures unrestricted access to our offerings for as many users as possible. Additionally, we greatly value the professional and warm collaboration with the Jobiqo team.
Wolfgang Kowatsch, Managing Director & Co-Founder myAbility

Embrace a future-proof and innovative partnership with Jobiqo

Single Sign On Integration

Seamless experience for your target audience and easy login options

Taxonomy Management

Fully tailored content and matching experience with a powerful self-service taxonomy manager

SEO Automation

Boost your job board with a toolbox full of SEO tools and get more reach with automatically generated landing pages tailored to different audiences

«When it comes to excelling and successfully running a job board, business owners and organisation leaders have to prioritise. The main goal of our product suite is to help those, who want to focus on marketing and sales, while technology is taken care of by a trusted partner like Jobiqo.»

Klaus Furtmueller, Founder and CFO at Jobiqo (also Co-Founder at, Jobrocker, Connect on LinkedIn
KAP.WWU exclusively connects partnered employers with more than 44,000 students and alumni from their university. With Jobiqo, KAP.WWU successfully transformed their Career Center into a flexible platform which addresses the needs of employers, candidates and professors.
Jobwall is a project by bonding-studierendeninitiative e.V. and thus, is run by a group of volunteers with the goal to close the gap between reality and theory. With Jobiqo, Jobwall helps students and alumni take their first steps into working life and accompanies them throughout their career.
With its online profile capabilities, online application process and a talent pool on Kampajobs, it is more than a job platform. With Jobiqo as the technology partner, Kampajobs can match NPOs and candidates through their platform and facilitate a connection beyond the application process. is the first and largest inclusive job board platform in Austria. Designed and created for people with disabilities, myAbility supports equality for people that live with chronical diseases. Jobiqo helps to provide an inclusive platform which complies with the WCAG 2.0 Accessibility Standard.

Jobiqo is the best partner for your university career center and academic job platform

Discover unlimited possibilities and new opportunities for your job board